HE Omar Saif Ghobash

UAE Abassador to Russia , businessman and cultural activist

HE Omar Saif Ghobash is the United Arab Emirates Ambassador to Russia.

Prior to his Ambassadorial post, Mr. Ghobash was the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Emirates Foundation, a philanthropic initiative launched by the government of Abu Dhabi. Mr Ghobash has worked as a diplomat in the UAE Mission to the United Nations, specializing in legal affairs. Mr. Ghobash has been active for several years in private business, having established companies in the UAE and overseas in the financial and legal arenas, as well as continuing his work in the technology and education fields. Amongst other interests he is a Board Member of Motif, a UK-based genetic research company and of Third Line Art Gallery in Dubai which nurtures Emirati and other Arab artists. He holds a degree in Law from Balliol College, Oxford, and has completed an advanced degree in Mathematics from the University of London, UK.

HE Omar Saif Ghobash speaks Arabic, English, Russian, French, Italian and Spanish

"An Accidental Liberal" talk at UCL

Contact information

  • HE Omar Saif Ghobash