This is the first Arabic travel guide to The Netherlands. It is about Amsterdam-Noord. We made this guide during the summer of 2010 with a group of editors and a team of 22 artists from Egypt, the Middle East and The Netherlands. Why artists? It makes sense: without artists we would never be able to find out the truth. And without art we could never discover the beauty of ourselves and the world around us.
This is the first Arabic travel guide to The Netherlands. It is about Amsterdam-Noord. We made this guide during the summer of 2010 with a group of editors and a team of 22 artists from Egypt, the Middle East and The Netherlands. Why artists? It makes sense: without artists we would never be able to find out the truth. And without art we could never discover the beauty of ourselves and the world around us.

Image: Ganzeer
Noord Characteristics
Map with the characteristics of Amsterdam Noord in 2010.
Amsterdam Noord and the dream of the malleable…
From social to spatial engineering
For a long time Amsterdam served as a container for everything unwanted. From the early gallows to the trailer camps, and from the polluting chemical and shipping industry to the surplus of urban...
Posters & Subculture
The style of Amsterdam Noord, as shown by the palette of posters circulating throughout the district. What’s going on in Amsterdam Noord and within what subcultures? We’ve scoured the whole of Noord...
The belly rules the mind
A few of the most noteworthy places to eat in Noord
Dining in Noord can be cheap and a little raunchy, but also chic and quite expensive. The waiters range from skilled and friendly to indifferent and apathetic. Feeling more like a quick bite? There’s...
Appetite for Noord
Gastronomy is inextricably linked with travel and exploring new places and spaces. It is only through eating that we really get to know the place where we live or visit. Using food sources found only...
Fun things for the People
Noord is the ideal place for a holiday if you look for culturally interesting places. Noord also has a lot to offer for night owls and children.
Public Art
In 2001, Claes Oldenburg was inspired by the vast amount of giant plastic ice cream cones, used as advertising along Cologne's shopping streets. When he was commissioned by a shopping mall in Cologne...
Nature in Noord
One of the great advantages of Noord (as a holiday destination) is the combination of city and nature within the distance of a short bike tour. Noord lies enclosed by two completely different nature...
Silent Spots in Noord
According to the residents, these are the silent spots of Amsterdam-Noord. Bear in mind that if you go there, the place will become less silent. That perhaps is the paradox of silence: if we seek it...
Bored in Noord
When I first arrived in Amsterdam, I was intrigued by the local perception of Amsterdam Noord. It seemed to me that, although Noord was only a short ferry ride away from the centre, Amsterdammers are...
Gentrification Battlefield
The non-Noorderner is advancing in Amsterdam-Noord. Ten years ago only the occasional explorer would dare to cross the water, taking a headquarters in an old conquered warehouse on the NDSM-wharf.
Learning to Cycle in Noord
The roads are broad and easily accessible, but by car you can’t truly enjoy the subtle beauty of Noord. Bicycles are the means of transportation for an authentic exploration of Noord. In a half hour...
Beyond Noord
Daytrips around Noord
When you have had enough of the typical garden settlements of Noord, the gentrification on the Noordse IJ-shore and the normality of the van der Pekbuurt, there are a couple of daytrips to set your...
The Inhabitants of Noord
As a tourist, it is helpful to know how one should go about interacting with the various cultures in Noord. Dutch bluntness comes from a desire to be honest and helpful, so you're best off listening...
Portraits of families in Noord
Political map of Noord
The Netherlands has a remarkable political system, allowing many parties to participate. The latest elections took place in June 2010 and featured eighteen parties! The people of Noord typically vote...
Infographic Amsterdam - Noord
Knowing your way around
Noord residents are avid users of the Canta: a motorbike on four wheels, or rather a bumper car. It fits one and a half people, but that doesn’t stop people from sitting in it together. It was...
Image: Malak Helmy
For now we will see things exactly as they are.
An article published in an art journal in 1858 said: “for now we will see things exactly as they are,” in reference to a series of new travel guides largely produced by artists, writers and...
Flirting on the ferry
Amsterdam has no bridge between the Centre and the Noord. A wide body of water separates us. The underwater tunnel only allows motor vehicles, the closest bridge is a 45-minute detour, and for the...
More fun things for the People
Don’t expect extensive shopping opportunities in Noord. There’s a bunch of uninspiring shopping centres where exclusivity does not usually reign supreme. Vintage lovers however, can indulge...
40 Days on Foot
Amsterdam Noord is a city of bicycles, but I spend most of my time here walking. I walk to get to know the city, and as I walk I collect the traces of the lives that are going on around me… The...
Silent Investors
Dear resident of Amsterdam-Noord (From here on to be called ‘silent investor’), I hereby involve you – should you be interested – in the new development of Amsterdam-Noord. From 10 september, I have...
Kareem has dissapeared
We found this note on his bed.
Spend the night
Sleeping in Noord
During a stay in Noord, a bed and breakfast is a must. It’s the best way learn about the local customs and habits, and the Noorderners taste for interior design. Have some coffee with the hostess
Printed travel guide
for free available at the Noord exhibition
September 10, 2010 the travel guide was launched. The Noord travel guide was distributed as a supplement of Het Parool. The printed version is available at the Noord exhibition till November 9, 2010.
Noord is exceptionally normal
Introduction to Noord
This is the first Arabic travel guide to The Netherlands. It is about Amsterdam-Noord. We made this guide during the summer of 2010 with a group of editors and a team of 22 artists from Egypt, the...