
Learn how to ride a fixed gear bike

For the Sur Place exhibition Mediamatic is organizing a workshop where you can learn the basics of riding fixed gear. For the daredevils, there's also an option to learn flashy tricks, like skidding or track stands. There are two half-day workshops, on August 7 and 14.


Mark, Keng, Phil and Patrick doing some tricks - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona

Fietsles workshops on Saturday August 7 & 14

Trainer, experienced fixed gear rider Keng Pereira, will give a short introduction on fixed gear, illustrated with some home-made footage. You will go outside and practice at Keng's favorite cycling spots. After that you should have the guts to ride our indoor track. Keng makes sure you'll get all the help you need. Once you get the hang of it, you'll never want to ride your normal bike again!

Everybody is welcome to participate! Just click on the RSVP button on our website.

More information

More info online in English and Dutch. August 7 and 14, from 14.00 till 18.00 at Mediamatic Bank, and outside at the Weteringplantsoen. Price is € 25 and we have place for 12 participants. On August 14th we also like to invite you for our MeBike event. A dream bike race, fashionshow and party!