Educated as a visual artist in the early sixties. Experiments with expanded cinema, inflatables and other public events in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and London in the mid sixties. Initiative for a documentation center on art, technology and society at the Sigma Center and Stedelijk Museum (1967-1969) and later founder and curator of the Documentation Center of Modern Social Movements at the University Library and International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam (1973-1998). Collaborative multimedia art projects mostly on historical subjects from the mid eighties onward with Jeffrey Shaw, Milos Vojectechovsky, Rolf Pixley, Fred Gales shown a.o. in Linz, Karlsruhe, Prague, Amsterdam and Tokyo. Works since 1988 under the name Imaginary Museum Projects. Regular lectures, performances and publications on subjects like social memory, psycho-geography, media history, mapping of human violence and visual language.

Symbolic Table Inspirators 01
We are standing on the shoulders of giants
Symbolic table is a new and unique RFID tool for cultural use. It is based on proven technology (RFID) and on Prior Art . There are 2 projects, one from 1988 and one from 1992, that together were my...