
Studio Broed

Studio Broed is a collaborative research practice by Marieke Broertjes and Rosalie Bak. aiming to derive technologies that arise from nature,rather than surpassing it.


Mycelium in Liquid Medium - Experiment by Studio Broed. Rosalie Bak, Studio Broed, Marieke Broertjes

Marieke and Rosalie met during the Open Call for the Myco Design Lab and from then on started working together on the development of new bio-materials made from mycelium and other organic matter.

Marieke has a background in molecular biology and visual communications. She used to work as a research technician at the ErasmusMC and studied at the Willem De Koning Academy. At the moment she is working as an independent designer/researcher and as Coordinator Bio Lab at Mediamatic.

Rosalie studied product design at the HKU in Utrecht, where she also co-founded the design collective Stichting Groene Honden, Jong Ontwerp. Since then she worked as freelance product and graphic designer, founded Cut/Copy, a platform for creative female talent and worked as Art-Booker. She is currently working to develop new bio-materials with Studio Broed and works as head of communications at Mediamatic.

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Contact information

  • Studio Broed