Teike Tessel Asselbergs

Connecting Istanbul

Hi I am a guide, Dutch artist and cultural organizer. I have been in Istanbul since 2006 and help individuals and groups, mostly from Northern Europe, that have special interests (non-touristic) in Istanbul for a living. I assist and support small and medium sized arts organizations in Turkey and organize cultural events with them.


Teike in Istanbul - Contemporary artist and cultural organizer in Istanbul Teike Tessel Asselbergs

If you are someone who will go with a group to Istanbul and you need help, check www.connectistanbul.org.

If you are interested in the art projects I support in Istanbul, check www.contactistanbul.org.

If you are a designer and you want to come to Istanbul please check my project at www.madeinsishane.com, because maybe you can join.

My own artistic work can be seen at: www.orgacom.nl.