You lost me.

Sorry, you lost me. Wilders is making a movie that is critical of radical Islam. He is critical of Islam because it: relegates women to second class status; punishes women for associating with men who are not related to them by stoning; kills gays; considers free speech an anathema, to list only a few of its proclivities. And you are against him . . . why? Surely you don't agree with the positions that radical Islam takes in these matters--no, surely you agree with Wilders. So you lost me. Why exactly is it that would you defend radical Islam against Wilders critique, by doing your best to sabotage his critique?

He's afraid that if too many of these radical Islamists come into your country that they will institute these practices, and destroy the liberal society that you currently enjoy. Aren't newspapers in Europe already afraid to publish cartoons that lampoon Mohammed? So you've already given ground in the free speech area. Maybe next they'll go after billboards with women in bikinis. You'll give ground there too, I expect--you know, it's a cultural thing. By the time you finally decide it's time to draw the line--I won't hold my breath for that; after all, such line-drawing is soooo unsophisticated--you know, right over here, wrong over there, how plebian--isn't it possible that it will be too late? Maybe a little Stockholm Syndrome at work here? In the meantime, "Making some fun and doing something is better than doing nothing." Why don't you take up knitting? At least it's something--and a lot more constructive.

Oh, and being against radical Islam cannot be racist, because Islam embraces every race in the human family. So I recommend "xenophobic" as your next term of ostracism.

Props to Thomas, 20 Mar 08, 18:19 "I don't see why we should side with people that want to destroy it." [free speech]