1 Jan 2004

report Interactive Film @ Berlinale

5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 February 2004

During the Berlin Film festival 14 international filmmakers experienced five intense days of learning and collaboration. Their goal? To find out everything about the Korsakow System, it’s possibilities and, have an inspiring introduction to interactive storytelling at the same time.


Media Plus en OCW -

The workshop sessions took place at the Berlin University for the Arts (UdK); the birthplace of the Korsakow System. This made the workshop for the trainers a bit more special.


people interactive film @ Berlinale -

Digital interactive media opens up new possibilities in storytelling. The workshop is about exploring these in a very practical way.
After an introduction of theoretic issues like interactivity, non-linear approaches to film and the integration of the viewers' actions into a narrative, the practical work could start. With their own footage, participants began to design and build their Korsakow project.


Jakob Schillinger at Interactive Film -


Interactive Film @ Berlinale -


Interactive film @ Berlinale -

The practical work was alternated with the search for solutions of theoretic problems. What does it mean to replace the absolute cut with the possible link? How does one maintain tension in a non-linear story? These issues led to a lot of interesting discussions during the workshop sessions.


Interactive film @ Berlinale -

Finally, each participant found an inventive solution for his or her problems. This resulted in new and creative ways to use the korsakow system. Four of the participants were selected to present their work to the Berlinale festival audience. This presentation took place in Cinema Arsenal at the Potsdamerplatz.


Interactive film @ Berlinale -


Presentatie Thomas @ Interactive Film, Berlinale -

The cinema room was filled with interested people who saw for the first time this kind of interactive film. People got curious and questions rose, which led to an interesting discussion after the presentation between the audience and the new Korsakow users.


Presentatie Marina @ Interactive Film, Berlinale -

To get a better impression of how the participants experienced this workshop; read some of their reactions afterwards:

Edit Blaumann: I’d like to participate more similar workshops

Gerry Clara Genbrugge: participating in the workshop has been a good decision.

Christiane Busse: The workshop was really great, and I’d like to attend the advanced course in summer in Italy.

Trish McAdam: I think these workshops will lead to some fantastic creative work being made.

Elisabeth Mohn: conclusion: effective.

This workshop was made possible with the support of the MEDIA PLUS PROGRAMME of the European Community and OCW


Presentatie Interactive Film, Berlinale -