About Mediamatic

Mediamatic is an art centre dedicated to new developments in the arts since 1983. We organize lectures, workshops and art projects, focusing on nature, biotechnology and art+science in a strong international network.


Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark on a sunny day - Waterside view of Mediamatic Biotoop with the refugee vessel "Meneer Vrijdag" of Rederij Lampedusa mooring in the Dijksgracht Ruby Lee

At Mediamatic we are always looking for new developments in society. We are interested in how art, design and science merge and how we can use this to experiment with new (living) materials. We challenge the senses and tackle perceptions regarding food, waste and unconventional materials such as piss, bacteria and fungi. The processes involved are all based on sustainable principles, as we are happy to contribute to a circular economy.

Mediamatic serves as an international networkhub with a physical location in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

More info about our organisation, can be found here (Dutch only).

Mediamatic is sponsored by Mondriaan Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie and Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.

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