Interactive installation


Mobile Polling Station

The ikPoll is a fun way to express your opinion on the event's program. Forget about those dull questionnaires and play around with this mobile polling station. The station can be anything from a wall to an umbrella.


Voting for your favourite performance - Simone Schoutens

How does it work?

Just scan your RFID tag in front of the statement that best represents your opinion. The results are projected in real-time, which means you can compare your experience of the event with that of other visitors.

If you’ve connected your RFID tag to your Facebook profile, the votes you cast will generate an “I like it” wall post.

The ikPoll is used during Eurosonic Noorderslag 2011 and during all Mediamatic's Kom je ook? symposia. PICNIC 2009, and LibertyCity 5 may 2009. The ICTDelta conferences held in 2009 and 2010 also offered ikPolls.