Take on me (take me on)
Governments often tell us: ‘Society, that’s you!’ But how is our society created? Sometimes our culture and our
perception of the world seem only constructed out of the imperatives of commerce, sales and turnover: 'I shop,
therefore I am' becomes our motto. At the same time, this materialistic equation appears to lack meaning and we
can experience a sudden gap between our own idea of our urgent needs and the values or solutions that are
presented to us.
The credit crunch has anyway begun to discredit the mechanism of supply and demand, though no one is yet
offering an alternative. As a result, we are forced to think about our material as well as our immaterial situation
almost from scratch: What is it that we really want? What is true wealth? Can we answer these questions,
fundamentally for ourselves as individuals? And how do we keep our spirits up when our finances are down? In
fact, how do we define the meaning of life? Take on me (take me on) investigates the ways in which
we relate an idea of our deepest authenticity – our true self as defined by the standards and values we feel to be
our own – to society’s principles of supply and demand. What values do we value the most in all this? Economic
value? Cultural value? Personal satisfaction? Individual uplifting? Peace and quiet?
Vitruvian Paint
Conditional Design, will exhibit the new work Vitruvian Paint Machine in the exhibition TAKE ON ME (TAKE ME ON) An alternative production factory. Vitruvian Paint Machine invites visitors to use the designers as a vehicle for wall paintings, in accordance with several specific rules.