How can digital technologies support new ways of telling stories

Valentina Nisi, participant at the workshop Triggered by RFID 2005


Valentina Nisi - participant at the workshop Triggered by RFID 2005

My name is Valentina Nisi. I have a background in fine art, media art and technology research. My research focuses on the design of interactive and distributed stories for public spaces, merging the place with the narrative
experience. How can digital technologies support new ways of telling stories.

The reason I participate in this workshop is that I’m interested in using RFID technology for creative purposes. For example in my projects about mobile location embedded stories.

In the workshop I want to work on the Feasibility for integration of RIFD tags with GPS for location aware distributed stories and applications . In particular "the Media Portrait of the Liberties".

My current project, the "Media Portrait of the Liberties" is a
distributed location based narrative about an old Dublin
neighbourhood. Local stories, from M.Johnston's book "Around the banks
of Pimlico" serves as the basis for the media segments. A structure
emerges in the form of a map of stories superimposed to the map of
physical space. The media segments reveal "a sense of place" and are
delivered to the mobile audience in the location where the story
happened trought GPS enabled portable devices.

As a further step for the project I would like to combine GPS
technology with RFID tagging to add location and context aware
possibilities to the distributed narrative experience.

I think the workshop was very well organized logistically and content
wise. I’ve got very much out of it in terms of people I met, projects
discussed, and the technology I’ve learned.