Open Call for proposals 2011

A.I.R. Hotel MariaKapel invites artists, curators and researchers to submit proposals for our 2011 programme.

Hotel Mariakapel is an artist-run residency and project space in Hoorn, a 16th century town by the IJsselmeer, just 40 km north of Amsterdam. In the old center of the town, in a medieval orphanage with adjacent inner garden and
Maria Chapel, Hotel Mariakapel receives artists from all over the world.

The programme involves artists and curators working in a wide range of media, focusing on installation and context based work, video/film and performance art. Projects are developed both in public space and in the chapel’s
exhibition space. Hotel MariaKapel is kindly supported by Hoorn City Council, the Province of Noord-Holland, and the Mondriaan Foundation.

Things to consider when applying

  • When sending in a proposal for an artistic or curatorial project, please take in careful consideration the specific context of Hotel MariaKapel. The context of HMK includes the possibility to work with a group of artists; a small town setting (eg, absence of a big local art scene/discourse); the combination of a locally rooted initiative with exhibitions of national appeal. We strongly advise you to read into the context of HMK (and Hoorn) prior to submitting a proposal.
  • HMK has a strong preference for two types of projects:

1 - Projects that make full use of the unique opportunities offered by the presence of a guesthouse and a longer stay, for instance intensive (international) collaboration or developing a new strand of work
2 - Projects challenging, bending or ignoring logic, socio-economic relations and/or artistic conventions in an engaging manner.

  • Artists, art historians or curators who temporarily require a base in The Netherlands or who need a change of setting for a while may apply. We aim to offer a small per diem budget, free use of the guesthouse and its facilities, possible reimbursement for travel costs. We do ask that you give a presentation that suits your research, prior to your departure. We especially welcome research proposals coming from artists.

Small Print
Accommodation and living facilities are provided for invited artists or artists groups to complete a period of work culminating in a final exhibition in the adjacent exhibition space. Residencies vary in length and depend on the nature of the work; we feel between one and two months is a good duration. The length of the residency is agreed in advance. The resulting exhibitions which are open to the public, usually take place for 3-4 weeks.

Hotel Mariakapel is responsible for all mail-outs and promotional activity in relation to the shows, which include regional, national and international contacts.
The residency includes use of all facilities (private room, wireless internet, shared kitchen, washing machine / dryer, basic tools, some audio & video equipment ). We can host 8 people in 4 bedrooms, you might be sharing a room.

Hotel MariaKapel provides a budget to resident artists (travel, materials, fee, some living costs) , depending on individual projects, but advises artists to secure additional funding elsewhere.

Send in your materials to:

HMK { HotelMariaKapel }
att. Call 2011
Korte Achterstraat 6
1621GA Hoorn
the Netherlands
or ( please use your projectname as subject )

More information on the website.