The <>TAG Headquarters in The Hague offer 200 square meters for exhibitions, as well as working space for members to do other assignments. The venue at The Hague also serves a monthly concert programme in the field of contemporary electro/acoustic music.
<>TAG Amsterdam is located in the Concrete Image Store and provides room for experimental presentations on pop-culture.
The events that are being organised offer a diverse picture of the current state of affairs, and there are virtually no boundaries as to what can happen, although themes like new technology, social issues, cross-disciplinary approaches, etc. can be seen to recur in a lot of work.
In order to stimulate debate every exhibition is linked to a series of lectures. Artists and performers are often asked to host a workshop or masterclass to provide insight in their approach and techniques.
The <>TAG website is a pivotal point in the organisation, providing room for archive, member portfolios, information on ongoing projects, etc.