#UmbrellaRevolution in Hong Kong

17 Oct 2014

“We are not seeking revolution. We just want democracy.” Joshua Wong (17).

"At heart, the protest in Hong Kong are not just about democracy. They are about honoring a promise, Beijing's promise to the people of Hong Kong to give us genuine one person, one vote for the election of our chief executive in 2017."

In the end of September, a massive protest crowded the streets of Hong Kong. Students and other citizens set out to Occupy Central in a sweeping but peaceful movement for democracy. 2047 is the year when Hong Kong will supposedly lose its autonomy. Will it become a full-blown part of the Chinese People’s Republic then? Beijing wants to supply the list for eligible candidates for the upcoming elections in 2017. On this night we will explore what is actually going on and what we can expect from the ‘Umbrella Revolution’ in Hong Kong.

© Koen Mok // Mokdesignz
© Koen Mok // Mokdesignz

Hundreds of post-it notes attached to the walls near the Hong Kong government headquarters (Getty Images)

Umbrellas were first used by protesters to shelter against the sweltering heat. Later they became their protection against teargas attacks and thus turned into a symbol for the democracy movement. What is actually going on? Is this a revolution?

Joshua Wong, the 17 year old leader of a high-school students’ group that has played a key role in the movement, said at an October 4 rally: “We are not seeking revolution. We just want democracy.”

Getty Images
Getty Images

The protest is noted for its peacefulness and orderliness. In the crowds teens do their homework, recycle and carry off trash. But what is going to happen? Will the violence of Tiananmen square 1989 be repeated with this new generation? Will Beijing succumb and give into the massive uprising? Or will the cries for democracy die out, urged on by opponents to the protests from the older generation, who fear for China’s backlash?

On Friday the 17th of October we are organizing an event to inform and shed light on what is going on.

We will bring together speakers from academia, activists, media specialists and the non-profit sector to come to a broader understanding of what's going on in Hong Kong. What is happening here exactly? It seems to be a worldwide trend where people are taking to the streets in protest. Several speakers will talk about this topic in an informal setting.

Associate professor Donna Chu and student Shanis Fung from the Chinese University in Hong Kong will give an introduction about the situation in Hong Kong and share the background of what is going on with the #UmbrellaRevolution. We will have a live Skype conversation with demonstrators from mainland China and Hong Kong.

Afterwards we have a discussion together with Hong Tong Wu from CRTV, professor Nyiri Pal from the VU, Fung Ka Keung, former Secretary-General of HK Federation of Students and Nicole Sprokel from Amnesty International.

Michiel Hulshof will be the moderator.

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