Eye Candy

This week's chef is Sascha Landshoff. Besides knowing the secrets of the kitchen, as a visual artist Sascha also masters the power of the image. Join us, and let your eyes and taste buds feast on aesthetically fine and thrilling food. Please RSVP.


Free Products: Peijnenburg Ontbijtkoek - Gevonden op de website van Sascha Landshoff. ‘‘In tijden van crisis moet men creatief zijn. Als een echte Nederlander ging ik opzoek naar de gratis producten die in ons land verkrijgbaar zijn. Langzaam raakte ik verdwaald in de fictieve wereld van de beste koop, de eenmalige aanbieding en de gelukkige winnaar.’’ Sascha Landshoff

Sascha Landshoff

Sascha is a cook and a visual artist. The image above comes from his hand. He says that in times of crisis you should be creative. And like a real Dutchman he wondered around looking for free products. He made a photo series on the products he found. You can see more of his work here.

Free grocery list

Normally we ask you to bring something from the chef's grocery list, but, like a true artist, Sascha let us free as a bird. Please take a least one expired product of your own choice with you.

More Info

Over Datum Eetclub 10: Eye Candy takes place at Mediamatic BANK, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam. Doors open at 17:30 and we'll start cooking at 18:00. Please RSVP on the website.
The entrance fee is €7,50. This includes a €5,- membership card. This card is valid for 2 months. That means the next Eetclub will only set you back €2,50!