Traveling plays an important part in our daily life. Whether we travel to work, home, friends, the supermarket or an unknown destination, it’s a moment of transition, of unexpected encounters and surprising events. Especially travelling to a new place can invoke what Lebbeus Woods describes as a “strategy of strangeness”, the experience of feeling fear about the unknown and at the same time having this tremendous sense of liberation. At INSIDE we aim to foster this state of mind. We are tempted to think that we know places once we have seen an appealing presentation or photo. That’s until we really go there. Only be travelling somewhere you can see and feel the real spaces, smell the real odours, and meet the real people. And there is a lot to see and feel everywhere. In an ever-growing awareness of a world in which multiple and contradictory visions are present, we will challenge and see the world from inside-out.
During the day RAUMLABOR and Boris Sieverts will host workshops exclusive for 4th year BA and MA students of Interior Architecture and Spatial Design. In the evening they will report their findings, after which RAUMLABOR and Sieverts will talk about their practice and the head of INSIDE, Hans Venhuizen, will present the first issue of INSIDE magazine.
costs: 15 eur (students 10 eur)
time: 17:00
location: KABK, The Hague
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