The Schommelclub reopens on August 2nd

Now featuring all your favorite gymnastics equipment

The new and improved Schommelclub at Mediamatic Fabriek features a trampoline, swings, a trapeze and other gymnastics equipment. Tackle the balance beam in high heels and somersault your way through the monumental Van Gendthallen. Fun for kids and for grownups who wish they still were. Don't quite your day job, but do pay us a visit, relax, and play. Open daily from 14.00 to 19.00.


Gymnastics team - Picture found on Flickr, posted by Neenah Heritage Online. N-M YWCA class II optional gymnastics squad claimed 1st place in a meet held in Neenah on Apr 14, 1986. Front row left to right: Jamie Clough, Jana Repulski, Stacey Heineke, and Kim Miller. Back row: Tanya Ellis, Kelly Resch, Alisa Knutson, and David Belknap (coach).

Call for volunteers

In order to keep the Schommelclub open, we are in need of volunteers. Do you want to help us out in the summer break between 14.00 and 19.00? Please get in touch! Call 020 638 9901 or send an e-mail to

More information

The Schommelcub is open daily from 14.00 to 19.00. Adults pay €2,-, kids half price. Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, Oostenburgereiland in Amsterdam. Click here for instructions on how to get there.