Robert Kluijver

Crisis of History

Exhibition : Contemporary art against History

2 May 2014
15 Jun 2014

Welcome to the End of History is the first part of the triptych Crisis of History, curated by Robert Kluijver.

The exhibition includes, inter alia, the provocative Jihadi Gangster series by Aman Mojadidi (Afghanistan), the video Children of the Left by Urok Shirhan (Iraq), and the demolition of Mekka in the installation Ground Zero by Ahmed Mater (Saudi-Arabia). As the curator of the exhibition space, Framer Framed will organize film screenings, debates, tours and performances related to the exhibition.

More information about the exhibition Crisis of History

Participating artists
Emeric Lhuisset, Ahmed Mater, Aman Mojadidi, Mehreen Murtaza, Eric Esmail Parnes, Abdulkarim Qassem, Ibrahim Quraishi, Louis Cyprien Rials, Urok Shirhan, Reza Abedini.

History is stuck. It has lost its power as a driving narrative for human development. History is only used to justify the present. Where is humanity headed towards? We don’t know. The historical narrative offers no perspectives on the future, it has become dead-ended.…

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