
Sexy Plants and Illuminating Nano-particles: Friday October 17, 19:00

How to visualise that, what is too small for the eye?
Matthew D. Whiteside uses highly fluorescent nano particles, called quantom dots, to visualize how nutrients travel through soil, fungi and plants. And Špela Petrič is researching how to enhance the reproduction strategies of plants with sextoys. Sounds complex? Don't worry, at Biotalk we invite Bio-Artists and Scientists to clarify their research and practice in a straightforward way. Get your ticket now! Diner at 19:00, talks at 20:00.


Illunimated leaf - Image found on


What are the social, cultural en technological implications of fungal and bio-based design and research? And what possibilities do these materials offer for artist, designers, engineers, architects, scientist, farmers and chefs? Find out at Biotalk, a monthly lecture series with leading figures in the field of Bio Art, Science and Design.


Biotalk: Sexy plants and illuminating nano-particles
October 17, 20:00
Ticket: €7,00 (including a Mediamatic Membership)
Facebook event here.

Preceding the talk (19:oo) we will serve some a small meal.
Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Amsterdam

Come early to view the exhibition Kunstformen Der Natur with beautiful watercolors from H.P.Berlage and blown-up illustrations by Ernst Haeckel.


23 October Weird Science | 29 October Ignite | 7 November Bierberaad