Caspar Menkman

Travelers Wanted!

The concept is so simple. Whenever you are in a city far away from home you feel alien. You are always looking for recognition, discoveries and new encounters. There is no place for relaxation because there is never enough time to dwell on your last findings. If only someone could help you. Help you find the places that would matter to you the most. Someone who could introduce you to the city and the city to you. If that is your question, we have the answer. Mediamatic Travel: An online DIY-Travel Agency.


Badeshiff - photo on flickr by mini joan Badeschiff is one of those places I went because of a tip by a Berlin native. Laidback atmosphere, nice people.

All the people I spoke to agreed with me that this project is a winner. A network that not only connects people in the Arts, but also helps them share their favorite places, their work and friends. I have heard people say: I wish I would have known about this website earlier so I could have used it then and then. Everybody is excited by the project, there is just one minor detail: there are so little people using it.

We have 96 guide pages. And let me just put it gently by saying not all of them have had a guide request. We need change and we need it now. And by change I mean we need travelers who are interested in seeing a different side of a city.

So this is where you come in dear reader: suit the action to the word and use our network. If you visit Casablanca contact Aicha and have her point you to the most exciting expos in town or visit Daniele &Marcos and experience the both chilled but passionate Latin atmosphere in one of the thousands of small cafes that is situated in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Now why someone would hesitate to ask a local to guide him or her? All of the reasons I can think of stem from social inconveniences. For instance when you travel with a group of people it is harder to get properly introduced to the cultural levels of a given place. The contact one makes with both the guide and the city would be less intimate and the experience of the trip would suffer from a likewise effect.

But think of us the next time when you make a city trip. Get acquainted with a city on a different level then most tourists do. Experience the difference between constantly looking for orientation and the interesting possibilities our guides can offer you. The chance to explore a city by the hand of someone who is aware of the adventures can shape your perspective on a place. And this experience is often as fulfilling for the guest as for the guide.

Doing this is easier then you would think. Just press that blue button.