Gorizia, Italy / New Gorica, Slovenia

The Italian Berlin, with a Border but without a Wall. Once upon a time the East People. Now the Italian side of the border is the East-Berlin and the Slovenian Nova Gorica represent, with its young generation, the New West. East becomes West and West becomes nothing.


Gorizia-Nova Gorica - Two Countries, Two Cities, only one place. You can't stand in two places at once. So, maybe for this general rule, valid for the human being but not for an electron, in G/N-G place people lives well when meet the Cinema and the Moving Images. The Cinematic Apparatus is well-known that permits to the human being to be ubiquitous. So the border falling remains a Dream, like the moving images. But the Ubiquity is also a sympthom of the madness, or at least a mark of the confusion and of the mix-up Simon Malatesta

Two Countries. Two Cities. But only one place.

You can't stand in two places at once. So, maybe for this general rule, valid for the human being but not for an electron, in G/N-G place people lives well when meet the Cinema and the Moving Images. The Cinematic Apparatus is well-known that permits to the human being to be ubiquitous. So the border falling remains a Dream, like the moving images.

But the Ubiquity is also a symptom of the madness, or at least a mark of the confusion and of the mix-up, like in the PKD novels and book or in the contemporary era and cities. So G/N-G is/are also the City(ies) of Revolutionary Basaglia's Psichiatry and the city of the freedom without big metropolis statement.

And maybe all NeW GORZ people hate the false urban understatement. But maybe this isn't true, and is only a dream of a small twin city in a landscape photographed from the sky.

Contact information

  • Gorizia, Italy / New Gorica, Slovenia
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