

These are the Frequently Asked Questions by our members.

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Mediamatic Travel


Milkmaids, 2007, Lucia Nimcova - Source Lucia Nimcova

I contacted a guide, but he/she isn't awnsering my request. What can I do?

Before you contact a guide, make sure to have a profile picture and some information about yourself on your profile: this will give the guide a better impression of who is coming to visit. Let the guide know what you're interested in so they can prepare a custom tour. It will also help the guide understand that you need them and that you're serious about your request.

If the guide still doesn't reply after your second request, it's a good idea to contact us. Mail to and we'll try to figure out what's wrong. In most cases the guide changed it's email adress or is on vacation. Also we could try to contact another guide that's located in the same city. Please, don't hestitate to contact us. In most cases we can work something out.

I'm not planning a trip (right now), but still I'd like to get in touch with the guide. What else can I do?

You can also send the guide a message or just let the guide know you appreciate his page by becoming a fan. Add them as a contact to your profile. The guides of Mediamatic Travel are eager to give you lots of other information.


All Actions - Emina Sendijarevic

Also at the bottom of every page you'll find a commentbox or (in case you're not logged in) 'React' and let guides know what you think of their page or how your trip was.

I'd like to change the order of pictures and text in my contribution and add hyperlinks. How can I do this?

You can change the order of your images by clicking on edit this page. Now you only need to grab & drag.

Textwise you have different options for lay-out and font-size. Go to this page to see all possibilities (including hyperlinks).

It's not possible to change the location of sections on pages. Text will always be two columns large in events and organisations and one column large in your guidepage. Related content is always to be found in the right column of contributions (except in the guidepage). Citypages have contributions shown in a random order. There's a reason why these pages look like this.

I just made a contribution, but it isn't showing in the city page I created it for. What's going on?

If your contribution doesn't show up in the citypage, it means that you didn't add an address or location to it. Even if you don't know the exact address, try filling out in which city and country it is located. Read more about adding an address to a city, organisation and event.

If this still doesn't work, consider that the citypage is only showing 24 random contributions. The next page shows more contributions.

Please, contact us if this advice still doesn't work at

The organisation where my event is taking place is different from the organisation that is organising the event. How do I make this clear?

Use the button '+who's organising this event' to add which organisation is organising this event. Fill in the location of the event at 'When'. Find more information on how to add a location to an event here.

Where can I find all the contributions I've added?

In your Contributions. Here you can also edit them or delete them even. You can also find your contributions in the city you located your contributions in.

How can I promote my contributions on the Mediamatic Travel website?

Add keywords to everything you make. Those keywords will link your contribution to related items. People passing through those related items will also see your contribution.
Add an image and text. You can imagine nobody wants to check out a thing without image or text. Also add an address, website, e-mail. Try to fill out everything you can. The more useful information you add, the more it will attract people to your contribution.

How can I remove a picture, person, organisation or event?

Go to My contributions. Here you'll see a list of all the contributions you made. By clicking 'delete' you will delete this item from your contributions. It will not exist in the database anymore and it will not be visible to others.

But because you still used this thing (contribution or image) in some pages, you will find that image/thing displayed with a big red cross through it in that page. No worries, it is only visible to you.

By going to edit this page and clicking on the red cross next to the thing you want to remove, you will disconnect it from that particular page.

Why should I become a guide?

Needless to say you'd like to inform people about what's really going on in your city. Or maybe you'd like to enrich your cultural network, gain more visibility of your city online. It's also a nice way to meet other cultural professionals across the world: all visitors are interested in your city for a reason. Maybe they are looking for artistic collaboration, a story to write or an eye-opening experience.

If you get contacted by a visitor and the two of you meet for consultation: you can receive € 45 for the first hour of consultation. Further arrangements are to be discussed by the two of you. You can also choose to give the consultation for free, it is up to you. Either way the visitor is aware that they must pay you 45 euro for the first consultation if you request it. Make sure he/she does.

I don't want to be a guide, but would still like to have a guide page.

Consider that being a guide means you'll have to be available either online or offline. Please, don't make a guide page if you know you will never respond to visitors. Maybe you know someone who'd like to be a guide? In that way you can help him create the guide-page and you'll both be happy.

One of my pictures was used without my permission. What can I do?

We are doing our best to enforce an honest code of conduct. In your case, we have made a mistake and we would like to apologize for the inconvenience.
Send an e-mail to with a link to the page on which the picture appears and it will be removed from the website.

Adding contributions and copyright infrightments
While this social website is managed by, most of the content is created by members of the public. No claim is made as to the accuracy, currency and reliability of material provided on this website.

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