Annalisa Butticci


Annalisa Butticci - Portrait - Annalisa Butticci

Annalisa Butticci is assistant professor of cultural anthropology at the Utrecht University
and research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of  Religious and Ethnic Diversity.

Her research interests include anthropology and sociology of religion, Christianity and colonialism, West Africa and African diasporas, mobility and migration, visual studies, visual anthropology, ethnography, narrative methods and life stories.  She has conducted extensive research in Italy, Nigeria, Ghana, and the US. She is the author of the book "African
Pentecostals in Catholic Europe: The Politics of Presence in the Twenty-First Century" (Harvard University Press, 2016), co-director of the film/documentary "Enlarging the Kingdom. African Pentecostalism in Italy"; editor of the photographic catalogue "Na God. Aesthetics of African Charismatic Power"; curator of several photographic and multimedia exhibitions, and author of articles published in scientific journals and edited volumes.

Contact information

  • Annalisa Butticci