For our small core team, spacious and well-ventilated office and workshop spaces remain open under strict protocol.
No visits without a good reason and a prior appointment, please!
Events are postponed but workshops might be used under strict minimal contamination risk circumstances such as minimal participation, no-touch, min. 2 meters between participants at all times.
Please reconfirm appointments just before you come. And if you have any symptoms of common cold or flu, stay HOME.
In case of cancellation of postponing you'll always be eligible for a full refund. Our team will work from home mostly and the office is kept running with minimal core staff.
This Sars-Co-2 / Covid19-induced measures will be in effect well into sping 2020. Check this site for updates on our program and the measures we'll take.
As per March 18, none of our co-workers is exhibiting any symptoms beyond those of a light seasonal cold.
If any of the people that you might have been in contact with at Mediamatic in the past month will develop serious relevant symptoms we'll report about that in this article.
Stay safe and see you later in the year! Love, Mediamatic