Come discover, together with artists, designers and fellow visitors, what we already have in common with the pigeon and what is left to learn. In other words; free your inner pigeon, because yes, we all have one. Pigeonhood is a spectrum.
Museum night 2022 is dedicated to the peacemaker, fertilizer, symbol of love and innocence and our fellow townsman with many faces; the pigeon. We humans live like we're the center of the earth, alone in the city. We're not, but we're very good at pretending.
Come discover, together with artists, designers and fellow visitors, what we already have in common with the pigeon and what is left to learn. In other words; free your inner pigeon, because yes, we all have one. Pigeonhood is a spectrum.
During Museum Night the 'pigeonafying' process was documented in the pigeon photo booth. After becoming a full-fledged pigeon people came for a portrait, where they were photographed in their...
Look for our pigeon campaign! Just like pigeons our posters and flyers are spread all over Amsterdam. MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON
An orchestrated pigeon performance in a populated square.
Hato is Japanese for Pigeon. And Poppo is Japanese for coo. Artists Emma Huffman , Mily Bogaart and Asuka Kondo have designed this origami pattern exclusively for the Mediamatic pigeons. You can't...
During museum night we invite you to sing along to pigeon songs. Serenade your inner pigeon and sing and dance with show pigeon Willem. Take part in our karaoekoe! MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON
We are all unique, yet also have a lot of common ground which creates a lot of potential to learn from each other. Not just among us humans, but there is also a lot for us to learn from the animal...
How do we show our dedication to the pigeon? We gather and pledge our allegiance! During Museum Night we invite you to join us in performing a pigeon pledge. MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON
Mediamatic ETEN created delicious pigeon snacks for Museum Night.
What sounds do pigeons make? Dutch artists Pim Water and Lucas Kramer have created a musical installation that will surround Mediamatic's Biotoop on Munseum night. Walk towards Mediamatic and follow...
Learn about pigeons and test your knowledge. MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON
Do pigeons fall in love in prefabricated nests?
How can we practice home coming together as a flock of pigeons? How can we find our way? by sensing the geomagnetic field, and by being attentive to each other's movements? In Fly like a pigeon: a...
Come and join artist Astrid Aragh as she leads us along her journey of cohabitation with fellow pigeons here in Amsterdam. MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON
During Museumnight we invite you to transform yourselves into a pigeon. Personalise your origami beak, try on feathers, wear pigeon eyes... MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON
Ready to bop your heads like a pigeon? Flutter your wings and move to a pigeon inspired beat. See you at our pigeon disco party! MORE ABOUT MEDIAMATIC PIGEON