‘Viewpoint planning’ is the term used for the identification of the projection space or the objects’ surface. There are various mapping techniques that can be applied to different spaces and objects which we will explore and analyze during the workshop. The workshop will start off with taking surface measurements and marking the projection areas. This will take place inside NIMk and the buildings’ architectural elements will be used to prepare the mapping project which will form the basis for the model. Because of this, the models created by the workshop participants need to be geometrically accurate in order for them to function according to plan. The ‘viewpoint planning’ workshop will be followed up by the realisation of the project which will be presented during a second session. Each participant will create a unique project and the outcome depends on the individuals’ goals and methods: some will be inclined to use pictures, others will use videos or 3D animations. Ultimately the goal is to translate sets of surface measurements into a visually coordinated system and a creative projection.
Date: Wednesday 7 and 21 July 2 - 5 pm (two day workshop)
Location : NIMk, Keizersgracht 264, Amsterdam
Admission:Send an email to Anouk Laverge; anouk@nimk.nl
Participation is free of charge, registration required