Ralph Das

Graduate student experienced in ITV & multi-touch interfaces

Ralph Das, was born in Amsterdam in 1982. As a kid he always wanted to become the next Leonardo da Vinci, searching the links between art and technology. What started with Lego Technic in the attic ended up with multi-touch computers at art-school.

Ralph graduated in 2007 at the Utrecht School for the Arts on the subject of physical computing with his Master thesis 'Touching the borders between me and virtuality'. While graduating, Ralph worked together with Harry van der Veen, later founder of the 'Natural User Interface Group' in Sweden. Ralph is currently involved in process of the starting up his own technology company called Intactlab. Ralph's graduation work is currently on display at the SOCO (Social centre of contemporary arts) expo space in the centre of Amsterdam. In the last months Ralph appeared in multiple TV shows that aired nation-wide in the Netherlands explaining the principles of multi-touch/ social computing an the implications on day to day live.

He continues to research and investigate new territories of interaction design and works together with various groups, think-tanks and organisations . He is actively promoting the use of physical computing in a wide range of sectors like education and health care

Contact information

  • Ralph Das