Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Bilwet 1 Jan 1993 Drug Triptych Die Kunst hat ihre Geschichte und insofern ihre Zeit. Es ist jedoch noch etwas anderes, Vulkanisches in ihr verborgen, ein Urstoff, der unter der Gestaltung wirkt.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Geert-Jan Strengholt 1 Jan 1994 The End of Advertising? 2 A round table discussion The New Social Environment WV: If you look at the way the new technologies evolve... they are moving in the direction of the social networks. I'm an almost daily user of a bbs, where people...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Geert-Jan Strengholt 1 Jan 1994 The End of Advertising ? 1 A round table discussion Point of departure for this issue of Mediamatic and the following discussion, is the preposition that advertising was one of the big arts of the 20th century. But will advertising make it into the...