
Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten

Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten (Agency for the Promotion of the Stage Arts) was established in 2000 with the mission of 'promoting public interest in the stage arts'.


Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten.jpg - NOSHOW

The agency fulfils its mission by initiating, organising and coordinating collective marketing and collective promotional activities, such as in the form of the Theater- & Concertbon (the theatre and concert voucher), Youth Theatre Days, the Classical Music Week, the Toneelpublieksprijs (Theatre Public Prize) and the award and promotion of various VSCD awards (Theatre, Dance, Cabaret, Mime, Classical Music and Youth Theatre).

Wherever possible, Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten develops the collective promotion and marketing activities in partnership with other organisations, both inside and outside the domain of the stage arts.

Contact information

  • Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten
  • Funenpark 1
  • Amsterdam
  • NL
Works here: