Moderator: Gerd Leonhard (, CH)
Hans Bousie (Bousie advocaten, NL)
Hans Bousie is founder of Bousie advocaten; lawyers in media, entertainment and brands. In music Bousie represents Universal, PIAS, Julio Iglesias, SellaBand. In books they represent most publishing houses in the Netherlands, but also global companies like Springer and Pearson. Hans is both a lawyer specialized in copyright and publishes about the industry with a focus on digitization.
Arda Gerkens (voormalig Tweede Kamerlid namens de SP, NL)
Arda Gerkens was member of the Second Chamber ( Tweede Kamerlid) on behalf of the SP and spokeswoman in regard to the popular music culture. She used to be chair woman of the commission that examined the sustainability of authors rights in a digital era. Nowadays she runs het own consultancy firm specialised in the digital society.