Rosalie Bak

Mediamatic has moved to DijksPark in 2014!

to Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam

As of December 1st, Mediamatic moved to their new location on Dijksgracht 6. On this beautiful spot near the waterside (within walking distance from Central Station!) we will continue and intensify our focus on all that is designed with living organisms.


Former DIVV building Dijksgracht 6 - Just before Mediamatic started the Biotoop location there in 2015 Two of the four buildings that used to house the bridge maintenance department of the city of Amsterdam. Mediamaitic totally renovated it after taking this picture. We also added 360 m2 of greenhouse to the building to create a climate zone around it and make a bar/restaurant for our visitors. Willem Velthoven

Within the following months Mediamatic, GreenNest and CAWA will transform this former DIVV terrain into a new cultural habitat: Biotoop Dijksgracht. A vibrant biotope for inspiration and innovation where you will find a broedplaats, bio-workshop, fermentology restaurant, public garden, aquaponics site, GreenNest Gallery and Bio Art Supplier Store.

But that’s not all! In 2015 the Navy terrain and Dijksgracht will be connected by bridge. Together with Barco Restaurant, Hannekes Boom, Klimmuur Centraal, Shaffy Tuin and GreenNest we are working closely together to give this area its own identity.

Stay on top of all our plans and events and subscribe to our newsletter (homepage). Or join us for a Hard Hat New Years Reception on January 9.

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