Stager main Menu:
Here you can find an overview of ticket sold, events and other statistics. -
- Events (Events Calendar)
- Personnel (Here you can find who is working when)
Everything ticketing related can be found here, ticket management, door sales, guest lists etc. -
- Contacts
- Mailings
- Mail Templates
All overviews and graphs regarding sales, number of events, personnel and overall finances. -
- Planning (event templates can be found and edited; adjust other functions such as planning settings, event type).
- Ticketing.
- Marketing (Settings of guest types, event labels and emailing settings).
- Integrations
- Account (How you can add a new colleague for example on Stager).
Under your name you can also find:
My tasks (An overview of your assigned tasks for each event)
Support (A useful database with stager guides, mostly in Dutch, but can use google translate chrome add-on).