Mediamatic 2006

From 2006, we aim to integrate RFID technology into our exhibitions, workshops and presentations.

Mediamatic Off-line Vol. 11 # 2

In this edition of Mediamatic Off-Line: the second part of Mediamatic Screen. The CD-ROM and the magazine have a rather unexpected artistic structure. Apart from the assignment to display the city's dynamism, is as if the artists and artist duo's have wanted to emphasize the relationship of the sexes.


Mediamatic Offline VOL. 11#2 -

Practicum 06a

On February the 5th, the exhibition opens Practicum 06a of the N Collective, an international network of artists, experimental musicians and composers. For these exhibitions artist James Beckett and the musicians Koen Nutters and Morten J. Olsen build a modular system, consisting of an open stage, a sound studio, a rehearsal room, a music store and a mini bar/restaurant. With this installation talented musicians and artists explore the relationship between sound, music and our tangible environment.


Practicum 06a - 5 februari t/m 10 maart 2006: De tentoonstelling Practicum 06a toonde wat doorgaans onzichtbaar is voor het publiek. Getalenteerde muzikanten en kunstenaars onderzochten de relatie tussen geluid, muziek en onze tastbare omgeving. Met de meest uiteenlopende instrumenten, van computerprogramma’s en TL lampen tot huishoudelijke apparaten in combinatie met traditionele instrumenten, produceerden ze prachtige klanken. Tentoonstelling, 5 februari t/m 10 maart 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

Mobtagging workshop

Mediamatic is organising on the 15th and 16th of June a Mobtagging workshop. Mobtagging is what happens when groups of users freely tags (metadata) and exchange information online. This allows web users to indexing, searching and specifing their information in their own terms,. With Jyri Engeström, Andy Smith, Duncan Speakman and Ulla-Maaria Mutanen.


Mobtagging workshop - 15 en 16 februari 2006: Mediamatic organiseerde een Mobtagging workshop. Mobtagging is wat gebeurt als groepen gebruikers vrijelijk labels (metadata) gebruiken en uitwisselen over online informatie. Hierdoor kunnen webgebruikers hun informatie in hun eigen termen specificeren, indexeren en zoeken. Met Jyri Engeström, Andy Smith, Duncan Speakman en Ulla-Maaria Mutanen. 15 en 16 februari 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

Power Salon

On the 19th of February there is a special Power Salon with a tour of the museum Power, in which artists and experts give presentations about their favourite electronic object. With, among others, Dirk van Weelden about the Gaslamp, Eric Who about the vacuum cleaner, Sasker Shearer about the arc lamp, Rein Jansma about the elevator and Willem Velthoven about the Tesla Coil. And a concert for two theremins and computer performed by Zhana Ivanova, Jans Possel and James Beckett.


Energetica Salon, Theremin entr’act - Speciale Energetica Salon met een rondleiding door het museum Energetica, waarbij kunstenaars en specialisten presentaties geven over hun favoriete elektronische voorwerp. Met o.a. Dirk van Weelden over de Gaslamp, Eric Wie over de stofzuiger, Sasker Scheerder over de booglamp, Rein Jansma over de lift en Willem Velthoven over de Tesla Coil. En een concert voor 2 theremins + computer uitgevoerd door Zhana Ivanova, Jans Possel en James Beckett. EnergeticA Museum, 19 februari 2006

Emotion Salon

On March the 13th, the Salon Mediamatic at Club 11 on emotion. With among others Menna Meijer and Yariv Alter Fin about Sexy, an online community for young people (incl. a Sexypedia), HKU students talk about their project where the elderly come in contact with the robot dog AIBO, other HKU tell students about their project with gaming company Guerilla to first person shooters.


Robothond Aibo bij Emotiesalon -

Contempt (or) Contempt

The exhibition Contempt opens on March the 18th at Mediamatic Post CS. This exhibition is modeled on Jean-Luc Godard's film from 1963. The film was inspired curator Monique Voulon who saw a parallel with the events that led to the Iraqi war. With work by Yoko Ono, Marlene Dumas, Mai Ueda, Lars Eijssen and many others.


Le Mépris (or) Contempt - Mediamatic, March 2006, photo by Bea Correa Bea Correa

There is also a Salon on April the 20th with the theme of war. The reason for this is the Salon exhibition Contempt (or) Contempt. There are computer games and artistic videos about the military and wars presented. One of the artists in the exhibition is Sietske Tjallingii. During the salon she talks about her video where she ridicules the lust for power and patriotism of the USA.


Sietske Tjalingii - Teaserama -


On May the 27th the opening of the exhibition Bigger. Mediamatic let six young artists/curators play in their room for one month. It starts with one artist and every consecutive week there will be another. Participating artists are Tunc Topcuoglu, Stefan Tiron, Bogdan Marcu, Linda Barkasz, Rafaël Rozendaal, Bogomir Doringer, Irina Birger and Katja Sokolova.


Bigger 1, Tunc Topcuoglu - 27 mei t/m 2 juli 2006: Mediamatic liet gedurende een maand zes jonge kunstenaars / curatoren spelen in haar ruimte. Eén kunstenaar startte en iedere volgende week kwam er een andere bij. Foto gemaakt door Katharina Birkenbach. Tentoonstelling Bigger, 27 mei t/m 2 juli 2006, Mediamatic Post CS Foto gemaakt door Katharina Birkenbach.

N8 Salon @ Capital

Mediamatic organises on June the 2nd a N8Salon in the Stedelijk Museum with games, music and installations. Friedrich Kirschner presents his Bob Block Machinima Show. The virtual machinima presenter Bob Block interviewed some guests of N8salon live.


Friedrich Kirschner - N8Salon, June 2006, photo by Marco Wessel Marco Wessel

Tables and Chairs Salon

During the Salon the Symbolic Table is presented on June the 12, a simple but powerful interface-free media player developed by Mediamatic. If you put something on the table, the table will play the video (or audio) off associated with that object. The object is a symbol of sound or images. Everything works with the TABLE: livestock or dead objects can be connected with RFID. Willem Velthoven demonstrates the TABLE with children and future projects. Andy Smith talks about the software he developed it.


Symbolic Table - 12 juni 2006: Onder de naam Tables and Chairs vond er een huiselijke salon plaats over (il)legale stoelen, geanimeerde RFID tafels en niet van hun kamer te branden Roemenen. Salon, Mediamatic Post CS.

Workshop Cinedans

25 June/July 1, 2006 Mediamatic organises together with Cinedans Festival Workshop Interactive Dance Film. In this workshop 16 (inter)national dance filmmakers, choreographers and artists create an online interactive dance film or dance installation with their own material.


Deborah - Deborah is testing her installation

Interactive Film Lab @ Sync Festival

Early July, the Sync Festival in Athens. This is the perfect event to introduce progressive media makers with their audience in a new stimulating way. Mediamatic organises i.a.w. the Synch Festival a Interactive Film Lab. Whitin 5 days, 16 film, television, radio and media makers from all over Europe make an online or offline interactive film with the Korsakow system in conjunction with their own material.


Synch Festival poster - 1 t/m 6 juli 2006: Interactive Film Lab @ Synch Festival. Voor en tijdens het Synch Festival, was Athene vol met audio-visuele thrill seekers. Het perfecte event om progressieve mediamakers kennis te laten maken met hun publiek op een nieuwe stimulerende manier. Dat is waarom Mediamatic i.s.m. het Synch Festival een interactief Film Lab organiseerde. In 5 dagen konden 16 film-, tv-, radio en mediamakers vanuit heel Europa een on- of offline interactieve film maken met het Korsakow systeem in…

The Cosplay Show

On July the 15th, the exhibition opens The Cosplay Show: I am my Character where the phenomenon Cosplay is central. Cosplayers transform themselves into their favourite Japanese comic, animation or video game character. In addition to an exhibition with many cosplayers, their costumes and portraits, there is also a Salon Cosplay, Cosplay Movie nights and a Cosplay Crash Course.


Meisje in kostuum tijdens The Cosplay Show - 15 juli t/m 27 augustus 2006: De tentoonstelling The Cosplay Show. Cosplayers transformeren zich in hun favoriete Japanse strip-, animatie- of videogame karakter. Naast een tentoonstelling met veel cosplayers, hun kostuums en portretten ook een Cosplay Salon, Cosplay Movie nights en een Cosplay Crash Course. Exhibition, 15 juli t/m 27 augustus 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

During the workshop-performance Cosplay Crash Course you will learn about all aspects of cosplay. Not only about making your own clothes but also about language, posture, etiquette, marginal phenomena and eating habits of the average cosplayer and how you too can become a better cosplayer.


Cosplay Crash Course @ Mediamatic - 18 augustus 2006: Een workshop-performance over alle aspecten van cosplayen. Niet alleen over het zelf maken van de kleding maar ook over taalgebruik, houding, etiquette, randverschijnselen & eetgewoonten van de gemiddelde cosplayer en hoe ook jij een betere cosplayer kunt worden. 18 augustus 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

Digital Embroidery Salon

During the Digital/Embroidery Salon on September the 12, the report of the opening of the Venice Biennale exhibited by Paul Groot, Inge Willems and Ali Haselhoef with ao an interview with Tilda Swinton. Additionally: Kisky Net Media presents its new system for Internet and mobile phones where the user is the artist; Ars Electronica prize winner Mateusz Herczka shows the potential of his project 44\13, a 12 meter wide film projection and fashion designer Dan Gonen shows his collection Body Language.


Tilda Swinton, Venice Biennale 2006 - Jans Possel

Scroll - Tjebbe of Tijen

On September the 15th, the exhibition Scroll opens in Mediamatic Post CS with 40 years of narrative images were unrolled. Mediamatic was the host of Tjebbe Tijen's scrolls: panoramas depicted with complex story lines, which represent an alternative position in the realisation of individual and collective memory.


Scroll - 15 september t/m 22 oktober 2006: De tentoonstelling Scroll waarbij 40 jaar verhalende beelden werden ontrold. Mediamatic was de host voor Tjebbe van Tijen's scrolls, panorama's met complexe verhaallijnen uitgebeeld. Exhibition, 15 september t/m 22 oktober 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

As part of the Scroll exhibition on October the 18th, a visual reading of Tjebbe van Tijen. The emphasis lay on animation and narrative techniques: visual narrative media.


Stroll & Scroll @ Mediamatic - 18 oktober 2006: Als onderdeel van de Scroll tentoonstelling was er een visuele lezing van Tjebbe van Tijen. Hierbij lag de nadruk op animatie en verteltechnieken; de visuele narratieve media. 18 oktober 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

Aux Raus Drive In-Off

On October the 6 there is a Audio Drive-In Off with audio performances by Sasker Scheerder and Aux Raus, to be heard on car radios in the parking lot of Mediamatic.


Aux Raus Drive In at Mediamatic - Audio Drive Audio Drive, 6 oktober 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

Workshop and Salon Interactive Children's Television

During the salon on October the 23d the kick off of the workshop Interactive Children's Television in collaboration with Cinekid Festival will take place. This is a workshop for experts in the field of interactive children's television.
In addition, three new and wonderful online cross-media projects for children this evening are presented. For example, the project of Lino Hellings and Emer Beamer, DeSchoolMetDeMeesteRamen, a beautifully hand drawn interactive school, made with the children of the school.


Mijn Naam is Haas - 23 t/m 29 oktober 2006: Workshop Interactive Children's Television op Cinekid, het internationale film-, televisie- en nieuwe media festival voor kinderen. Mediamatic organiseerde een workshop voor experts op het gebied van interactieve kindertelevisie. Workshop Interactive Children's Television op Cinekid, 23 t/m 29 oktober 2006


DeSchoolMetDeMeesteRamen - Drie nieuwe en prachtige online crossmedia projecten voor kinderen werden op deze salon gepresenteerd. Dit was ook de Kick-Off van de workshop Interactive Children's Television die door Mediamatic en Cinekid Festival 2006 werd georganiseerd. Mediamatic Salon, 23 oktober 2006, Mediamatic Post CS.

Night Garden

The exhibition Night Garden, which opens on November the 3rd, is a sub-technical indoor garden that defines a relationship between new technology, next nature, contemporary art and its consumption. The Night Garden houses among others a robot production workshop, a digital alter-yard scientific experiment that examines the professional behaviour of certain species, chemical garden furniture and a prototype for a seed strain pots restaurant.


06-12-2006 exhibition overview - Night Garden - Nov 06 2006 - Jan 07: Night Garden was a subtechnical indoor garden in which new technology, next nature, contemporary art and its consumption came together to form an interactive bio-technical habitat. Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau presented Interactive Plant Growing, one of the most innovative interactive works of the previous century. Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel developed tiny robots who lived autonomously in the garden. There were workshops, food, self-regenerating flowers…

Make your own or Wearable Robot

Small chips, cheap sensors, the potential of emerging "smart" fabrics, conductive yarn and inexpensive wireless communications (Bluetooth or RFID) to make it easier and cheaper to make "wearables". During the Make your own Wearable workshop of the 10th till the 12th of November, the participants will have plenty of space to combine nerd stuff and fashion.


Wearable arduino - 10 t/m 12 november 2006: Kleine chips, goedkope sensors, de mogelijkheden van opkomende 'slimme' stoffen, geleidend garen en goedkope draadloze communicatie (bluetooth of zelfs RFID) maken het gemakkelijker en goedkoper om 'wearables' te maken. Tijdens deze Make your own Wearable workshop hadden de deelnemers alle ruimte om nerd stuff en fashion te combineren. Workshop, 10 t/m 12 november 2006, Mediamatic Post CS

Under professional guidance of Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel Mediamatic organised on the 9th and 10th of December a Make your own robot workshop. Applicants learn in a fun, inspiring and informative way to design and soldering their own robots.


Make your own Robot at Mediamatic -