Arie Altena

Arie Altena (1966) writes about art, culture, internet, literature and new media for a.o.Mediamatic Magazine and Metropolis M.


He also teaches new media theory at the Frank Mohr Institute, the postgraduate arts academy in Groningen. He studied Theory of Literature at the University of Amsterdam, acted as research assistant/tutor in the field of Postmodern and Electronic Literature also at the University of Amsterdam.

He joined Mediamatic in 1994 as editor for Mediamatic Magazine, teacher in several web-related disciplines for Mediamatic NetLes and text-editor for Mediamatic IP.

He was involved with Oro|oro Teacherslab, the Playstation meets Organism symposium, the Website Graphics Now book and production of the Doors of Perception cd-rom.

An archive of his publications and various other stuff.