Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam #12 20 Jan 2010 20 Jan 2010 - Power to 20x20! The Japanese term 'Pecha Kucha' roughly translates as chit-chat or irritating chatter. As a happy crossbreed between an elevator pitch and speed dating, Pecha Kucha Night will present 12 participants...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam #12 20 Jan 2010 20 Jan 2010 - Power to 20x20! The Japanese term 'Pecha Kucha' roughly translates as chit-chat or irritating chatter. As a happy crossbreed between an elevator pitch and speed dating, Pecha Kucha Night will present 12 participants...