Image: Manfred Kielnhofer
Art and Beauty
The „timeguards“ of the Austrian artist Manfred Kielnhofer are the top of a some years lasting development. Dealing with room-concepts, sculptures and installations on one hand and the being engaged with mystic experiences and religion on the other hand lead the artist to these strange characters. 2006 the first of these figures was created. It reminds us of a walking monk, who seems to be lost in something. Kielnhofer puts his timeguard in public places like ancient castlers, old mines, main squares or in parks. Kielnhofers „timegurads“ come and go, nobody knows where they appear the next time. They let us never forget that we are always watched. (Critics by: Martina Gansterer).http://lightart-biennale.comhttp://contemporary-art.athttp://artpark.athttp://fotopark.at