Pia Kolwe 1 Jan 1999 Space The current overuse of the word 'interactivity' indicates both a confusion about its meaning and a desire to exploit the specific capacities of digital media. Indirectly, it also refers to the...
Image: Willem Velthoven Number of Book Titles published per Year approaching zero at the and of the 2oth century The number of titles is going up steadily from the invention of movable type on. Research assistant Pia Kolwe.
Image: Willem Velthoven Average weight of a book in Europe approaching zero at the and of the 2oth century The first Gutenberg Bible weighted around 22 KGs. Hardly usable. Given the fact that the typface used was very hard to read by current standards, it amazing that it was the start of a revolution.
Image: Willem Velthoven Average Print Run per book in Europe approaching zero at the and of the 2oth century Printing was faster than writing but still an incredibly tedious process in the early days. Later developments like the rotary press, but also mass litaracy, drowe up these numbers considerably.
Image: Willem Velthoven Average price per book in Europe approaching zero at the and of the 2oth century The earliest printed books were not a lot cheaper than hand copied ones... The price is expressed in monthly wages. Research assistant Pia Kolwe.