Slum Carnival during 24H Oost

Saturday March 23 from 12:00 to 20:00

An 8-hour flurry of activity in our temporary city, the Freezing Favela. With tours, music, great food and workshops. Learn how to distill vodka and grow your own veggies, make fresh pasta, construct bricks from old newspapers, make jewelry and jump ropes, or help build the Favela Sauna and the Tostifabriek. Between running around there will be plenty of time to relax and enjoy a drink or two. Entrance: a valid membership. If you aren't a member yet, become one now. Visit our website for details about the program.


Arne Hendriks working on his Pigeon Fertilizing Tower - This picture was taken at Mediamatic Fabriek. The Pigeon Tower is a project by Arne Hendriks, part of Freezing Favela in 2013. Aleksandra Kalashnikova

Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela is a temporary city within Mediamatic Fabriek. Designers, cooks and other makers have been given the possibility to claim a part of the big industrial hall as their own. They work on their projects autonomously, but like in any other community, materials, space and functions have to be shared. Favela citizens are making tosti's from scratch, paper from cow shit, furniture from cardboard, and food from our very own aquaponics farm. And everyone is welcome to contribute. Build this city with us. We're open every Wednesday and Sunday between 2pm and 5pm.

More information

Slum Carnival is part of 24H Oost, a festival celebrating the treasures of Amsterdam East. Entrance: a valid membership. You can already become a member of Club Mediamatic for € 5,-. For 4 weeks, this gives you free access to our exhibition, and discounts on, or free access to, our events. Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-Kade 10-12, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Doors open at 12:00. For more information and tickets please check our website.