Mediamatic wins Dutch Design Prize 2007 for El HEMA!

Category 'Visual Identity'

This weekend El HEMA got awarded a Dutch Design Prize! Not the audience prize (we were second there) but the prize for "Visual Identity".

Jans Possel and Willem Velthoven went on stage to receive the prize; a china goblet with inscription that is now part of the El HEMA interior. Jort Kelder hosted the event.

The 8 o'clock news was so kind to mention us again and show some video of the exhibit. So that was cool.


Jort Kelder in El HEMA hoody - Jort Kelder presenteerde de Nederlandse Design Prijzen in Eindhoven op 20 oktober 2007. El Hema won in de categorie 'Visuele Identiteit'. Foto: Nederlandse Designprijzen