Spinoza thinks people acknowledge the authority of the state for two reasons: out of fear and self-interest. As long as the rules and institutions of the state give most people a feeling of safety and of freedom to pursue their own interests, the state will be justified.
A state can use intimidation and violence, suspicion and force to keep itself upright, but can still be regarded by its civilians as unjust.
Spinoza, however, optimistically adds that these states can't uphold themselves for very long without the support of its civilians, and will sooner or later implode or be overthrown.
Power is being made by power being taken
Zoals Nietzsche zegt: Alle werkelijkheid, inclusief de mens, is wil tot macht. Maar 'de wil tot macht' verwijst niet naar een nieuw metafysisch eenheidsbeginsel. Zoals zo vaak, aldus Nietzsche, is...
Knowledge is power and power is everywhere.
Even wat Foucauldiaanse ideeen er tegenaan gooien: Let us come back to the definition of the exercise of power as a way in which certain actions may structure the field of other possible actions.
Macht heeft niets met geweld te maken...
... maar met jezelf kracht geven om iets te doen. Citaat van Thomas Hirschhorn in Trouw 2-5-09: Spinoza leert ons om ’God te denken’ , door Anna van Leeuwen.
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Geld is macht
De echte macht zit in je portemonnee, zei de dominee.
Spinoza power poster
This poster was hanging at the campus of the Kocaeli University between 21st to 28th of May 2012. It's a part of the WatSpinoza project which is been realized by Mediamatic in behalf of the...
Image: Tuğba Yılmaz
Spinoza power Kocaeli
This 'power' poster was hanging at the campus of the Kocaeli University between 21st to 28th of May 2012.
Spinoza macht poster (en)
Macht en geweld?
Reacties uit de WatSpinoza? tentoonstelling bij Mediamatic.
Image: Zepha
Macht en geweld?
Reacties op de schoolborden in de Mediamatic tentoonstellingsruimte.
Macht en geweld?
Reacties op de schoolborden in de Mediamatic tentoonstellingsruimte.
Macht en geweld?
Reacties op de schoolborden in de Mediamatic tentoonstellingsruimte.