Bekijk schimmels en leer wat ze doen bij ARTIC-Micropia, kom naar een van de lezingen over schimmels bij De Hortus, proef de schimmelcultuur in een gastronomische ervaring bij Mediamatic en nog veel meer!
Alhoewel we schimmels misschien vooral associeren met afbraak en bederf, zijn schimmels een heel belangrijk deel van ons ecosysteem en ons eten. Vier met ons de schoonheid van schimmels!
Van 22 September tot 2 oktober kun je schimmels zien, ruiken, proeven en leren kennen bij Mediamatic, ARTIS-Micropia en de Hortus.
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop
Mouldy Apple
Moulds are discolouration and a fuzzy appearance that form on food when it fungi start the decomposition process. This apple is moulding and is part of the imagery used for the collaboration between...
Grass bouquet for Ears of Earth dinner
Photo credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Eating Grass at Ears of Earth dinner!
Humans have long been dependent on grasses as a key food source. The Ears of Earth dinner highlights this collaboration. Photo Credit: Paula Prats
Koji culture for the Ears of Earth dinner
Koji is cooked rice or soya beans that are fermented and is often used to make miso or soy sauce. Photo Credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Grass Drying for Ears of Earth
In Ears of Earth we take a closer look at the landscape to discover the connections in the earth, between bodies and fungi, plants and yeasts. Photo credit: Paula Prats
Shepherd's Bread Mould for Ears of Earth
Crops with a symbiotic relationship have been grown, eaten and processed together for centuries for the many benefits this offers. Not only the crops but also the yeasts and moulds that naturally...
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Ears of Earth: The Artists
Artists Philipp Kolmann and Suzanne Bernhardt gather and carry grasses for the Ears of Earth dinner. Photo Credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Ears of Earth Water Kefir
As part of the Ears of Earth dinner, guests will be served a Vino del Poggio Rosso Beetroot Cassis. Photo credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Ears of Earth on rammed earth tables
The Ears of Earth dinner will be served on rammed earth tables created by Phillipp Kolmann. Photo credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Ears of Earth Nattō
Natto from the Ears of Earth Dinner! Natto is a traditional Japanese dish made of fermented soybeans. Photo Credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Paula Prats
Suzanne Bernhardt and Phillip Kolmann carrying…
The artists carry grass they have collected at a local field for the Ears of Earth dinner. Photo Credit: Paula Prats
Afbeelding: Lizan Freijsen
Fungi Trail - Hortus Talks
Fungi Trail at the Hortus
De Fungi Trail is een programmasamenwerking tussen de Hortus, Mediamatic en Micropia. Van half september tot oktober worden er podcasts, rondleidingen, workshops, diners, kinderactiviteiten en...
Afbeelding: Artis Micropia
Wall full of 'cuddly' fungi in ARTIS-Micropia
The Fungal Wall
Taken from: Published on May 31st, 2022. "The Fungal Wall" work by artist Lizan Freijsen shown in ARTIS-Micropia, Amsterdam. This photo is part of The Plastic Picknicker .
Fungi Trail - paddenstoelen en schimmels
De Fungi Trail is een programmasamenwerking tussen de Hortus, Mediamatic en Micropia. Van half september tot oktober worden er podcasts, rondleidingen, workshops, diners, kinderactiviteiten en...
Kids Mushroom and Fungi Tour
Fungi Trail in de Hortus
This photo is part of Guided Tour Fungi & Mushrooms for children .
Afbeelding: Nadine Schütz
Close up from one of the Pigeon Towers
Mycelium growing on straw
This photo is part of Open Friday Tour: Mushrooms and More .
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Mily Boogaarts
Green Mold on "Gentle"
This photo is part of The Plastic Picknicker .
Afbeelding: Barbara Revelli
Mushroom prospective
This photo is part of Guided tour Fungi & Mushrooms for children .
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in a petri…
On a base of coffee grounds
found on by Tobi Keller
Afbeelding: Anisa Xhomaqi
Close up of the Oyster Mushroom
Grown from a bag of substrate that was made in the Workshop: Grow your own Fungi.
Afbeelding: Kathie Hodge
Fungus Colony
This is mold in a petri dish
Molds are discoloration and a fuzzy appearance that form on food when it rots. This is formed by a network of hyphae, this network can be called a mycelium and can be considered as a single organism.
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Eszter Jámbor
Open air gentle disco 17.09
This photo is part of Gentle Disco .
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Filippo Iannone
25-11-2019 Gist in een petrischaaltje
Workshop Wild Yeast Hunting
In Hunting Yeast leer je hoe je wilde gist uit de natuur kunt vangen, hoe je een pure gistcultuur kunt beheren en hoe je je favoriete gist kunt kweken.
Pascale Leboucq: Biobased creations
Fungi Trail at the Hortus
De Fungi Trail is een programmasamenwerking tussen de Hortus, Mediamatic en Micropia. Van half september tot oktober worden er podcasts, rondleidingen, workshops, diners, kinderactiviteiten en...