Lucie Havel



Lucie Havel Picture - Credits to : Jacqueline Fuijkschot

With: Lucie Havel

I am fascinated by the way humans relate to nature. This has become the main focus of my work. It started as an interest in the deities and rites of tribes that do not hold the dichotomous belief system of humans versus nature.   

Then I wanted to change my art practice and refrained from using traditional art materials for ecological reasons. That’s why I started seeking materials in my direct surroundings. In a later phase, all chemical components like glue and epoxy, were declared a taboo in my studio.

To grow vegetables and plants we could use in our artistic practice, me and my studio neighbours installed a garden in the former playground of the atelier building. The yard around my studio proved to be a source of materials since the neighbours considered it to be a free dumping ground.

 During second year of that garden “weeds” started calling my attention. For me they symbolize the successfully untamed and non-functional entities. 

That is how I discovered the incredible abilities of the Japanese knotweed.

From that moment on, for a few years, I attempted to unite all aspects of my practice by working with only one material: Japanese knotweed. This “weed” is to me the perfect example of our relationship with nature. This plant, like us, adapts and thrives in all environments due to its biological properties, yet is not appreciated for it. This project, named How i fell in love with the enemy, is a study about the options Japanese knotweed offers when we adapt to it.

Contact information

  • Lucie Havel