ADeM also organizes the Robodock Festival, which is held in the late summer and includes the latest in robotics, spectacle theater, industrial installations and music. The best fire spitters and life sized hybrid man/machine structures are nothing out of ordinary during the lengthy festival. Robodock is one of the largest unsubsidized festivals Holland knows, and due to its immense success has moved from the ADeM foundation's own hangar to the more roomy quarters of the NDSM and has spawned many a foreign festival including Burningman (USA), Save the Robots (IE) and Fusion (DE).
Robonights 000: From Dusk Till Dawn
jun 2012
jun 2012
- Opening Robodock 2012: "A walk-through performance about the migration of the sould through the underworld"
Robodock’s 000 wordt gepresenteerd in de vorm van een spectaculaire theatrale tocht, waarbij het publiek op ontdekkingsreis gaat naar de onderwereld. Hiermee is Robodock, na twee jaar stilte, weer...