Bogota, Colombia

Magic realism: luxury and misery.


Bogota's citycentre - source: wikipedia commons

Space for independent Bogotá-related people, culture and organizations. This page provides links and information about and between "bogotanos" in Bogotá and all over the world.

The layered reality of Colombian capital Bogotá, offers wide sensorial diversity. Get lost in its overlapping sounds, taste its native flavors, discover the unique creativity of its inhabitants. Much violence and negative media has generated intellectual concerns among the old and young: new synergies have arisen favoring a particular behavioral atmosphere. Bogotanos live among magic realism and political concerns, between the dramatic social differences and the sophistication of exacerbated luxury, the North American influences and the aftertaste of left wing radical movements.

Intelligentsia have now occupied new areas of the city that was designated in 2007 as Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura, recovering forgotten neighborhoods and starting new gentrification processes. This has started much needed links between the city center and the accommodated areas of the north, generating contrasting art movements and new creative urban dynamics.

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  • Bogota, Colombia
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