Curating in the expanded field

uratorial Programme of Arts Centre de Appel

Initiated in 1994 the Curatorial Programme of Arts Centre de Appel wishes to offer young curators a condensed package of experiences and skills that can be used as tools and instruments during the further development of their professional career. De Appel is an internationally oriented arts centre located in Amsterdam that functions as a site for research and presentation of contemporary visual arts through a series of exhibitions, performances publications and discursive events.


Lee Scrivner: Lord Garden's Masque – an Anti-Masque - Performance in Weak Signals, Wild Cards Curatorial Programme exhibition, June 27 - July 26 2009, Amsterdam-Noord

The following parts of the programme are considered to be of vital importance:

- The opportunity to research theoretical issues and developments in regular sessions with a tutorial team consisting e.g. of visual artist Liesbeth Bik (NL), de Appel director Ann Demeester (BE/NL), curator and writer Charles Esche (UK/NL), curator Annie Fletcher (IR/NL), writer and curator Elena Filipovic (US/BE), curator Dieter Roelstraete (BE), independent researcher/curator Lisette Smits (NL), philosopher/curator Henk Slager (NL) and art critic Jan Verwoert (BE).

- The opportunity to meet a large number of artists, curators, critics and other professionals from the Netherlands and abroad in a very condensed period of time, and having the chance to exchange ideas with them, either during thematic seminars or during informal encounters. Guest teachers over the past years have been e.g. Carlos Basualdo (US) , Gerardo Mosquera (CU/US), Paul O'Neill (GB), Jacques Rancière (FR), Simon Sheik (SE), Pier Luigi Tazzi (IT), Teresa Gleadowe (UK) and Nina Möntmann.

- the opportunity to get acquainted with de Appel from 'the inside', and get a better

- The possibility to make a long trip outside of Western Europe and a minimum of 7 excursions within Europe.


1. A letter of motivation in which your personal drive is stated and what you expect from the programme.
2. A proposal for a project (5-15 pages), including: concept and location of the project (main focus), the participating artists (including some image material), a budget, a publicity plan (not obliged)
3. A CV, including an extensive description of one's relevant working experience
4. Two written references of (former) tutors, professors or employers, in English.

On the basis of the submitted documents a pre-selection is made. Approximately ten candidates will be short-listed; they are invited to come to Amsterdam in the second week of March for an interview by an international selection committee.

Application deadline: January 15th 2010

Send completed applications (in two-fold) to:

de Appel
Attn. Danila Cahen/Hendrik Folkerts
P.O. Box 10764
1001 ET Amsterdam
the Netherlands

For further information please visit our website

Danila Cahen (coordinator):
Hendrik Folkerts (assistant-coordinator):
t +31 (0)20 6255651
f +31 (0)20 6225215