LucFosther Diop
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LucFosther Diop

LucFosther Diop was born in 1980 in Douala, Cameroon. He studied Fine Arts at the Yaounde 1 University, from where he graduated in 2003. Two Artist Residencies in Douala followed: October 2003 at ArtBakery and April-June 2007 at MTN Foundation. In 2006 he was part of the project-travel EXITOUR where a group of artists traveled trough seven West African countries. The project ended with an intervention at the Dakar Biennale. Selected exhibitions in Cameroon and abroad: - Images Contre Nature, Festival International de vidéo Expérimentale, Marseille, France, 2006-2008. -Ok Video International Festival, National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2007. -World One Minute Video Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2008. -Identity: An Imagined State at the CCA, Lagos, Nigeria 2009. -Traits Complices, Galerie Beatrice Binoche, Saint Denis-La Reunion, France 2009. - World Flirt, Open Studio 2009 at the Rijksakademie Amsterdam, Netherlands. - First FIAC ,National Museum of Contemporary and Modern Art, Alger, Algeria 2009. - Ceci produit Cela, Contemporary art Centre Doual'art, Douala, Cameroon 2010 - Contemporary African video art, International Rotterdam Film Festival, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2010. - Africa 2.0, Influx Contemporary Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal 2010 One of his video “Around and Around” was recently shown in the program “Forms and topographies : African Cityscape in flux” curated by Dominique Fontaine at the 2nd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art in Greece. LucFosther Diop has also recently participated in the workshop The Media City by the NIMk (Nederlands Institut voor Mediakunst) which was followed by Live Urban Projetions on the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. Since January 2009, he has been living in Amsterdam, Netherlands where he is for two years Artist in Residence at the ‘Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten’. In his work he uses very different media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, performance, photography and video.