The Future Generation Art Prize

a world-wide art prize

The Future Generation Art Prize is a world-wide art prize of 100,000 USD.
Open to all artists up to the age of 35.
Online application starts from 18 January till 18 April 2010 at the website.


Future Generation Art Prize logo - source

The prize is established to discover and provide long-term support for a generation of emerging artists, wherever they may live and work, this unique artist-focused prize aims to make a major contribution toward the production of new work by young artists.

The biennial Prize is distinguished by:

- its global dimension;
- its focus on a young generation of artists;
- its open and democratic Internet application process;
- the long-term commitment of leading artists of our time;
- a distinguished Board, Jury and Selection Committee;
- an exhibition of shortlisted artists at the PinchukArtCentre in Kiev, one of the largest and most active new contemporary art institutions in Europe;
- and an award of 100,000 USD, to be conferred by a respected international jury.

The jury will select one main Prize winner, who will receive a total of 100,000 USD (60,000 USD as a cash award, and 40,000 USD toward the production of new work). An additional 20,000 USD will be allotted to fund artist-in-residency programs for up to five other special prize winners. Images of works by all the shortlisted artists will be posted on the PAC website, and members of the public will be invited to vote via the Internet for People's Choice Prize.

To encourage the assistance of one generation of artists to the next, a group of renowned Mentor Artists has committed its long-term participation in the Prize and will provide in-person counsel and support to the Prize winners. The Mentor Artists are Andreas Gursky, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons and Takashi Murakami.