uɐɯʞuǝɯ ɐsoɹ

/* Arduino lunch program

** ------------


** Arduino programming seems to be something new to a lot of the students
** Sometimes they smile from ear to ear
** But today.... its extremely frustrating
** Let's hope lunch cheers them up!
** Created 3 May 2010
** copyleft 2010

** don't copy that lunch!
** Based on an original by mr. T (1952)


int lunch = 13; // lunch connected to digital pin 13

void setup()
pinMode(lunch, OUTPUT); // sets the lunch as output

void loop(5)
digitalWrite(lunch, HIGH); // sets the lunch on the table
delay(24hours); // waits for 24 hours
digitalWrite(lunch, LOW); // sets the lunch in the belly
delay(24hours); // waits for 24 hours


Hacking the sandwich together.jpg - uɐɯʞuǝɯ ɐsoɹ