
Pedal to the metal

Mastering skid stops and track stands.

Saturday June 19th, the fabulous Keng Pereira taught a group of eager cyclists how to ride a fixed gear bike.

June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater Door: simona

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After a short introduction into the history of track bikes, and a tour through the Sur Place exhibition, everybody hopped on a bike. Time to hit the road to get some hands-on experience!
We successfully maneuvered the streets of Amsterdam, and arrived at the Muziektheater on Waterlooplein, where the real fun started. Sunshine and the Dutch victory over Japan (1-0) ensured happy faces and a will to conquer. After two hours, everyone had mastered skid stops and track stands, and were ready to take on the indoor track. A great day, all in all. There are another few fixie master classes in the pipeline, so keep your eye on this website. Definitely recommended!


first work... - June 19 2010, fixie workshop in front of Mediamatic simona


... then pleasure - June 19 2010, fixie workshop in front of Mediamatic simona


getting started - June 19 2010, fixie workshop in front of Mediamatic simona


first trackstand trials - June 19 2010, fixie workshop in front of Mediamatic simona


Phil doing a trackstand - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of Muziektheater simona

Met: Phil Dube

Keng teaching Patrick - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona


Mark skidding - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona

Met: Tallguy82

Charles having fun - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona


Keng having fun - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona


Patrick and Phil skidding - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona


Mark doing a trackstand - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona

Met: Tallguy82

Phil planning the next jump... - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona

Met: Phil Dube

Mark, Keng, Phil and Patrick doing some tricks - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona


Keng teaching Phil, Charles, Mark and Patrick - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop, in front of het Muziektheater simona


Phil preparing for the track - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop at the Mediamatic Sur Place exhibition simona


Charles riding the track - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop at the Mediamatic Sur Place exhibition simona


Mark riding the track - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop at the Mediamatic Sur Place exhibition simona

Met: Tallguy82

Patrick riding the track - June 19 2010, Mediamatic "how to ride a fixed bike" workshop at the Mediamatic Sur Place exhibition simona

Met: Nitt